Thursday, February 26, 2009


All things considered.
Well, no. Not really. I never consider anything. I just do it (to quote an old advertising slogan). I don't understand it really but this glamorous woman said Do this - so I did. It is like all the other next big things ; Web 2, Wii fit, and other monstrosities moving rapidly from wow to old hat. All it served to do was to remind me that I ought to update some of the other last big things.
My blog, unnoticed by the entirety of humankind serves as a sort of diary to myself in which I hardly ever participate. Perhaps in that parallel universe where I run the world as a wise, benevolent and magnanimous dictator I actually do what I say I will.
Or maybe I won't.
The idea is that we are basically interested in what OTHER people are doing. Now. It's an "In the present tense" idea. How to track people. We used to call it stalking. Now it's described as social interaction. Following a succession of Status messages. Like the dylanologists used to study Bob's leftover Curry cartons to discover the meaning of life. Are we defined by what we say we do and what we say we are ? My dad, Christian to the last second believed that we are defined by what we do; by action. By deeds. I think he assumed Good deeds. If this is true and my current career and lifestyle in the library-world serves to define me then I am going to face a pretty boring recitation of my achievements at the Pearly Gates. Pete, er, well, I'd like to confess three major sins but want 8,000 renewals to be taken into account and I once offered additional support to a totally innocent bystander.
God (or the other one) will certainly have an archive. A dark shadowy place where shelvers fear to tread. I can see the management-speak as the red fiery horned one suggests doing a spot of shelf-tidying and we, taking it all on board, respond in the affirmative and trudge off into the corners of life's mysterious and modular shelving.
Anyway Status. Not waving but drowning.
...and you're not vile.

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